5 Tips To Getting Clear Skin

Having clear skin is something we all (men and women) want to achieve.  I think for me it's one of the most important parts of the facial feature.  When I see someone with clear skin I'm instantly in awe of them and find it so attractive.  But the reality of actually having clear skin can be hard for a lot of us.

The funny thing is, it's not actually too hard to achieve with these simple steps.  Just making a few changes to your every day routine can really help you on the road to clearer skin.  Not only that, but it will give you such a confidence boost and you may feel you don't even have to wear so much makeup which is definitely something I'd be happy with.

Drink More Water

Drinking more water is going to keep your skin hydrated and plump.  It will wash out any toxins that cause blemishes.  I try to drink 2 litres a day at least.  You can mix it up by adding squash or herbal tea bags.

Eat Your Vegetables

Especially greens because they are full of antioxidants which are great at combating bacteria known to cause spots and acne.  Getting your 5 a day has so many health benefits.  I try to have a piece of fruit or veg with every meal.

Always Remove Makeup

Sometimes we can be lazy and feel super tired but you must remove your makeup before going to bed because not only will it cause blemishes but it will also aid the aging process, ahh!  If you feel too sleepy just grab a quick makeup wipe.

Change Pillow Covers

This is something I never really thought of until it came to my attention about a year ago but think how dirty our pillow cases get and then we put our faces on that..  It's a bit backwards really if you've just washed your face so make sure to change them once a week.

Use A Face Mask

As well as cleansing, toning and moistursing once or twice a day you should try to get a face mask in there once or twice a week too.  You can find different ones tailored for your skin's needs and I particularly love the Lush ones.

Do you have any tips for getting clear skin?

Lauren xx


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